The standard today is real sex dolls

 Now you need to get information about which country you are from as these are illegal in many countries. For example, many Canadian citizens are currently on trial for ordering a silicone doll that looks like a child. Under Canadian law, this is pedophilia. I personally think it's ridiculous, but that's the way the law works.

The idea behind the law is: pedophilia is not acceptable in the western world. We know there is no cure for this particular sexual attraction. The solution is to try to restrain yourself in some way rather than tempting yourself and risking the next step after having sex with a sex doll that looks young... it will be a real child.

Inflatable plastic dolls still exist and they are quite functional, but the trends in the love doll industry are clear: inflatable love dolls were yesterday, real HR dolls dominate today and smart love dolls and sex robots of tomorrow.

Larissa-157CM Sexy High Quality Sex Doll

The standard today are real love dolls. The doll has a full body, with almost every detail including the face and hair, with particular attention to the vagina (or penis), mouth and anus. Her limbs and head can move and have a greater range of motion than normal due to the mobility of the joints (well, you might want to fuck your doll in hard yoga master-level poses without breaking her). So these lifelike love dolls can lie, sit, kneel and even stand up.

The quality of the sex doll was patchy at first, but its shortcomings could be easily mitigated. Buy a USB and connect the sex doll a few minutes before in-person time. Even so, the heat on her body was quickly absorbed by her. Patience is also a virtue when having sex with silicone sex dolls. This means we're using a lot of lubes that we've always wanted to try. This luxurious sex doll is tough enough to withstand multiple impacts, but doesn't surprise with its hardness and consistency.

Many people are interested in the quality of lifelike sex dolls. Respond in good faith and handle it properly. Anal sex with a lifelike sex doll - no, she doesn't believe that. High quality adult sex doll with goddess ass. Wouldn't it be a waste not to use it? You can slap her as many times as you want and the ball in her ass will shake like a real thing. Best of all, she doesn't complain when you get caught, which is what makes her so powerful.
